Physiotherapy at 121 Animal Therapy

All the benefits of research into physiotherapy for humans is now available at 121 Animal Therapy to support you and your pet. Lisa Robinson, a qualified physiotherapist, will ensure that you pet receives appropriate, professional treatment.

Like hydrotherapy, physiotherapy treats a wide range of conditions including:

  • Joint Conditions
  • Spine Conditions
  • Muscle Conditions
  • Bone Conditions
  • Ligament and Tendon Conditions
  • Circulation Conditions
  • Neurological Conditions
  • Pre and Post Operative Conditions.

By providing pain relief and increasing mobility, physiotherapy improves mental health. It will enhance the quality of life for disabled or elderly dogs and develop the fitness of sporting dogs.

Forms of treatment include:

  • Exercising and toning soft tissue
  • Exercising joints
  • Ultrasound therapy
  • Magnetic field therapy
  • Neuromuscular stimulation
  • Massage
  • Re-educating muscles.

As with hydrotherapy, we'll only accept a referral from your veterinary surgeon. So, if you want your pet referred by your veterinary surgeon.

Referral Information

We only treat animals referred by your veterinary surgeon. If you want your pet referred to us by your veterinary surgeon, please either:

  • Take them a copy of our referral form.
  • Ask them to download and complete the referral form.

You can download a referral form below.

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Because we provide a professional therapeutic service, we can make no exceptions. Do not automatically assume that your dog's condition is suitable for treatment with hydrotherapy.

Your veterinary surgeon will decide what treatment is appropriate. However, we are happy for you to visit our facilities before your veterinary surgeon refers your pet or before you make a booking.

Please contact us in advance to arrange a suitable time. Contact Us

Finally, before we begin the therapy for your pet, you will need to agree to our terms and conditions which can be downloaded below.

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