We hate having to have rules but unfortunately we need them for Health and Safety reasons.

These are to ensure everyone’s safety, comfort and hygiene:

  1. Please arrive 10 minutes before your appointment to allow time for toileting.
  2. It is the owner’s responsibility to poop scoop after their dogs whilst on company premises and the surrounding area. Bags will be available on request.
  3. If your pet defecates in the pool a charge of £40 for pool closure will be made. This is because the pool will have to be closed and thoroughly cleaned before any dogs can continue to swim.
  4. Please do not feed your dog for at least two hours before swimming and at least two hours afterwards.
  5. If your dog has had diarrhea within the last 10 days he/she will not be allowed to swim.
  6. Please give us at least 24 hours notice for cancellation or to rearrange an appointment otherwise a full fee will be made charged.
  7. We cannot swim bitches in season.
  8. We cannot swim dogs with infectious/contagious conditions e.g. ears, eyes, skin conditions / kennel cough.
  9. Please keep us informed of any changes to medication. Do not alter any medications without your Veterinary Surgeon’s advice.
  10. Owners are required to inform us if, during the course of treatment, the animal’s condition worsens, or if the veterinary surgeon advises that the treatment should be stopped or suspended.
  11. We reserve the right to refuse treatment to any animal.
  12. We reserve the right to use video / photographic equipment during hydrotherapy sessions.
  13. We also reserve the right to use the footage taken during these sessions.
  14. Individual sessions can be paid for on the day, but courses (including those forming part of an insurance claim) must be paid for in advance.
  15. When not undergoing treatment all dogs shall be kept under control and must be on a lead.
  16. The therapy unit is not designed for children. Wherever possible, for safety reasons please avoid bringing children with you.
  17. Please ensure your dog is up to date with vaccinations, flea and worming treatment.
  18. Whilst every care is taken of the dogs undergoing treatment, and in the maintenance of the water and the equipment, all dogs receive hydrotherapy treatment entirely at their owner’s risk.
  19. Owners must wear non-slip shoes and take care in the pool area as the floor can become very wet; we cannot be held responsible for any injury to animals or people in the pool area
  20. We cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to personal property or vehicles in or around the premises, however this occurs.
  21. Please ensure your dog is clean and not muddy when they come for treatment.
  22. Please bring your own towel to dry your dog after each treatment.
  23. Please only bring the dog that is being treated with you.
  24. We reserve the right to cancel any session (e.g. in case of power failure / defecation). Please ensure we can always contact you by phone.

You can download a copy of our Terms and Conditions below, which you can then print and sign.

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